Serving Haiti’s Rural Poor in Jesus’ Name

2021 Snapshot

Area and people we serve:  Pestel, Haiti, a rural region with about 36,000 people. 

Level of poverty: Average daily income is $1. One in eight children are not expected to live past age 5.

TVI’s Haitian Partners: “Christians Progress Together” (Kretyen Pwogrè Ansanm in Creole, or KPA), a community development network of 35-40 people.


2021 Summary

-Work began on rebuilding or repairing 25 community water cisterns in 18 villages

-2,550 tarp-shelters distributed for temporary shelter post-earthquake

-Emergency rice and oil distributed to 770 families who hadn’t received aid - representing at least 3,800 people

-83 children resumed school - the building wasn’t damaged in the earthquake!

-127 of the poorest families received crop seeds

-65 families received goats

-14 elderly (often the poorest of the poor) received a small monthly stipend


Pestel Public School Students get filtered water JPG

Pestel Public School Students get filtered water

Click here for 2021 Detailed Summary